First International Scientific Seminar in Learning Sciences

Grounding Best Schools in Cutting Edge Research

15th and 16th of March 2013

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) Faculty of Education, in Barcelona

On March 15th, Ramón Flecha and Marta Soler (University of Barcelona) will discuss “The dialogic principles of Successful Educational Actions and Dialogic Reading” on the ground of the results from the Integrated Project INCLUD-ED, from the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union  <link http: includ-ed _self external link in new>;    The next day, on March 16th, Linda Hargreaves, from the University of Cambridge, will analyse the principles of Effective Group Work in the Classroom as well as children’s personal epistemologies and the ways to take them into account for teaching.

Each session will be divided into two parts. The first part (10am-2pm) will be an in-depth presentation and discussion by the learning scientists on the state of the art about their research, a central topic in the field. The second part of the seminar (3.30pm-7.00pm) will consist of a dialogue between the researcher and all the participants. This scientific dialogue will be grounded in readings selected by the scholar to ensure updated and relevant scientific discussion. The readings will be sent to the participants two weeks in advance.

The enrolment includes lunch.

Please find attached the flier of the Seminar. You can enrol online at <link http: ca _self external link in new>

<link file:1719 _self int sc seminar in learning sciences tp-2>Further information.