New Call for Proposals: WERA-IRNs 2013

Call for Proposals: WERA-IRNs 2013

WERA’s International Research Networks (WERA-IRNs) represent one of the core initiatives of WERA to advance education research worldwide on specific scholarly topics and make impacts on cutting-edge knowledge advancement, professional improvement and policy formulation in key areas of education. WERA-IRNs will also help active researchers to build up their worldwide research networks and create numerous opportunities for international collaboration in their key research areas. Through the IRNs, the members of your association may work together with  active international researchers in different parts of the world and participate in various scholarly activities related to their specific research topics. WERA is therefore pleased to invite applications for establishing IRNs in this round of 2013.


<link file:2265 _blank file>Call for Proposals

<link file:2264 _blank file>Overview of current IRNs