Strategic Plans

Ways of Working/Strategic Plans for the Next Two Years

The first task of the submitted EERA-network will be to transform the diverse existing relations into a regularly meeting, matched researching and shared publishing network of educationalists researching on organizational education. As far as the core content is concerned, there will be questions on organizational learning, its educational content, the relation of individual, collective and organizational learning, resources, barriers and forms of support of such learning processes.
Furthermore, its purpose is to reach a new quality of appropriate scientific discourse and to open new research questions by bundling the respective knowledge. Educational research on organizations – whether quantitatively or qualitatively designed, and whether on schools, youth institutions, adult education institutions, enterprises, urban administrations, hospitals or on other organizations – shall get an own scientific platform by this European network.
The network will also provide a place to theoretically identify the relation between organization and educational science.
It is obvious that the network also has to make contributions to the positioning of educational science in the interdisciplinary discourse on organizational theory and research.
Finally the network shall give an international platform to emerging researchers throughout Europe to present their research on this field.

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